In the past I've varied between sleeping late to get the much needed rest that is offered during any trip away from home, and getting up somewhat early in an attempt to stretch the days of vacation as long as possible. Since there is very little gray area in between these two approaches to vacation, I of course had to choose one. I not only opted for the long day approach, I took it to the next level. Or should I say, WE took it to the next level.
Over the past months, Stacy has made the transition to early workouts. She gets up at 5:00, sometimes earlier, to enjoy a run or a work-out video. I admire her dedication to starting the day off right, and on occasion will venture out of bed to do the same. But to tell you the truth, I've been too lazy to make it a routine. I hope that will change.
During our drip to Pawley's we passed the time in the truck in different ways. The kids had intended to watch a movie, but strangely enough Alex napped, while Jackson watched the entire movie. That is only strange due to the fact that Alex is our non-sleeping child, while Jackson takes every opportunity to get needed rest. Meanwhile, Stacy and I varied our time between surfing crappy radio stations and random conversations. At one point the conversation drifted to fitness. She told me that she intended to keep up her routine, running at 5:00 even while on vacation. Also, I was more than welcome to join her for the morning miles on the pavement. I thought for a second and decided that this would give me a purpose to rise early and pursue the long days that really tend to stretch a vacation to a length that really makes it feel like a worthwhile. I was not devout in my decision, but had had made the decision nonetheless. "Sure, I'll run with you. Just make sure I wake up."
Theoretically it was a sound plan, but in reality I had no idea if I’d go through with it. Saturday morning Stacy arose and asked the question, "I'm running; would you like to go?". Dang right I would. How was I supposed to start a routine without coming out of the gates running on day 1. I arose and joined her for the run. It was invigorating. To start the day off that way was a great beginning to what turned out to be a long first day, filled with fun for us and boys. I was glad I chose as I did. Day 2 was today and after crashing at 11:30 last night, you'd assume I'd be tired, but upon hearing her ask that same question, it was even easier to rise early today than yesterday. Hopefully this will continue. Day 3 is tomorrow. I'm sure that I will be posed the same question; I just hope to have the same response. We'll see what happens...
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