Wednesday, July 30, 2008

A House is a Work in Progress

We paint more than anyone I know. If a few months have gone by with no major project, we fill that void by painting or repainting a room. The most recent (and current) painting project: our dining room. Previously, we had painted the room a deep shade of red. I really liked the color, but the room was always a little dark, so I was up for change when Stacy mentioned the desire to repaint. We picked out a yellow from lowes, that is actually a dual color. The plan is to use rag rolling; which entails one solid base of one color of yellow and a lighter shade rag rolled over it. I cant wait to see how it turns out. Currently we are one coat away from being done with the base color.
Before painting, I decided to make the project a little bigger than most of our painting jobs. Since the day we first saw our house, the one thing that I hated was the ear sores that are our non-working heat registers. Many of our rooms have these things along 2 walls. I hate them. They take up room, keep furniture pushed away from the wall, the look awful and in my mind are perfect homes for millions of roaches!
I chose to rip them out myself. I was a little concerned because those heat registers are typically of two types. One type is electric and I dont like the idea of messing with wiring. The other type is heated by water. It turns out that our house contained the water variety. You could see the water pipes going into the floor. I crawled under the house (which I hate doing) only to find out very good news. I had intended to do some plumbing to cap off the pipes and cut them off to remove the eye sores. What I found was that at some point over the years, someone had already removed the part from underneath the house. The pipes going into the floor just ended hanging halfway to the ground, not connected to anything. That was great news. I climbed back out of the dungeonous crawl space of my house and went up stairs and ripped the registers off the walls, exposing a mix of plaster and wood....mainly wood. Then I used an entire gallon of spackling preparing the area for painting. As I already mentioned, we are now in the painting phase. Still to go are the rag rolling phase and then laying the base and toe molding.
So far, it has gone really well. Hopefully the project will continue to go smoothly.
Oh, and now that I have removed the registers from one room, I only have 6 rooms to go.... ugh, not fun to think about but taking it one room at a time wont...or shouldn't be that bad. Wish me luck!


  1. You conveniently forgot to mention the unholy mess you made with the electric sander. I haven't forgotten.

  2. yeah, yeah. It was a crazy mess, but it is done. That was my first use of an orbital sander on spackling. Of course that is the first time that I've had to use that much spackling, too. The sander actually worked like charm, but the cleanup was hell.
