Monday, November 3, 2008


I'll save you the pain and agony of hearing a line item list of all of my political stances. Regardless of where you stand politically, if you stand at all, you have to feel the excitement when it comes around to election day.

The election of 2000 was the first time that I participated in our political process. I really liked one of the candidates, cast my vote, and stayed up late to see the results. I think the fact that it was so close pulled me in a little more for future races. In addition to caring about the issue, it was also actually quite exciting to watch. For the record, that night I voted with the majority, although my candidate did not win...

In 2004, neither candidate blew me away. I felt the current administration was doing well enough so I decided to give them another 4 years. I voted with the majority and my candidate won.

Now, in 2008, we have a monumental race going on. I am not in the situation I was in 4 years ago. In this race I definitely see one candidate as MY candidate. There is no question. Not because he is the better of two mediocre choices; not because I agree with a few of his stances; rather, I fully identify with him, I believe in his ability to lead, I believe in his direction in which he intends to lead, and yes, I also agree with him on the majority of his stances.

I dont think there will ever be a viable candidate that I agree with on every issue, but I think Obama is pretty much as close as I'll get. I intend to go out and proudly cast my vote. I really hope that when all is said and done, and all the votes are counted, that I will have voted with the majority yet again....and in conjunction with that, I hope that my candidate actually wins the election.

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