Concerning my goal of 45 minutes....

To describe the race in it's entirety... It was wet. I started out entirely too fast for the first two miles, hit the wall so hard that I actually had to walk for a little while to keep from hurling everywhere, then finished the race with a monkey on my back (for those that dont know, this means that it felt as if I were carrying a lot of extra a monkey on my back). Not a good race. It was fun for the most part, but not good. I fell more than 2 minutes behind my goal pace. bah!
Enough of the negative though. On a happy note I did improve my time from last year by over two minutes. I'm happy about that part and intend to do even better next time. Now it's time to start preparing for the Cooper River Bridge Run. I hope to be a few pounds lighter by then and in better shape. I cant wait!
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