Wow. It has been nearly 2 months since I've posted. It's crazy how:
(1) One can lose the motivation to do something (in this case, blog).
(2) One can get so busy and wrapped up in one thing (or multiple things) that you forget about something else.
Honestly, when you get wrapped up in lots of other things, that creates the best topics for which to blog! That being said, I have to get to work, but some topics that are on my mind that will be blogged about in the next few days:
(1) Running - I'm getting better and Stacy is putting me to shame. btw, she did a half marathon on Saturday... not as a race, rather as part of her trainig program. Wow!
(2) Work - I'm really enjoying what I'm working on and have more exciting work coming down soon. I wont bore you with details, but I have to touch on this one.
(3) Beach vacation # 1 - Pawley's Island
(4) Jackson's birthday - he is 7!
(5) Beach vacation # 2 on the horizon - Myrtle Beach.
(6) house projects, they never end
(7) Family in town. As I mentioned before, Matthew and Laura just moved to Columbia. I'm very happy about that.
(8) Who knows? Getting back in the blogging mix will surely inspire me to write something else too.
Ok, off to work...
i've missed reading your blogs. welcome back. hope they continue. :-)