Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Since I've had a few friends inquiring about my running schedule, I decided to post it here.  As I looked around I noticed that plans varied a good bit depending on whether you considered yourself a novice, intermediate, or expert.  I ventured into the intermediate territory and found that within that group there were still many options.

Some schedules focused on really pounding out pavement, ensuring you get many miles under your belt during preparation.  On those plans, the weekly long runs tend to be much farther than your target race distance.  That is not the type of plan I was looking for.  Rather, I wanted a plan that varied routine day to day.

In the end, the one I chose gave me the variance I wanted.  It may include running nearly every day of the week, but it also changes up the expectations by varying between interval, distance, and tempo runs, not to mention the cross training day.  Anyway, here is the one that I decided to go with.  It was an eight week plan that I found on  I only made minor alterations to stretch it to 11 weeks.

* I apologize for the pain, but to make it fit on the page I had to shrink it to this size.  Just click on it to open up a full size picture.

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