Tuesday, February 16, 2010

End of a Season

As I've said before, I'm coaching both of my boys basketball teams. The season was originally scheduled for 6 games each. Mid-season inclement weather caused one game to be canceled. Last Saturday was supposed to have been the last game of the season for both of them. Sure enough, more crazy weather came our way. This time it was worth it though. It was SNOW!!! In fact, the most snow in Columbia since 1973. It was amazing and the kids loved it. The only negative was that another game was canceled... or so we thought. As it turns out, the powers that be didn't want to cancel two of the six games. That would just be too many. Therefore the games were rescheduled for mid-week.

Jackson's team, the Gators, played last night and played wonderfully. He had an outstanding game, finishing up with either 12 or 14 points. I'm not sure which. The team as a whole played well and held on to a 27-26 victory to end an undefeated season. Awesome! Go Gators!

Alex's team, the Longhorns, get their opportunity to play tonight. In this age group there is no score kept, but trust me when I say that the kids know the exact score because they keep up with it! Anyway, as evident by our team's own stat-keeping abilities it appears that Alex also has a chance at a perfect season tonight! Incredible. I really hope they can pull it off.

Friday night is the final gathering at the church for this season. There will be a show for the kids, with a message of course. Also, the kids will probably receive some memento for playing. Last year it was an Upward book bag and Jack loved it.

Now that the seasons are ending, looking back, it has been great. I hope the Longhorns can complete the perfect season tonight giving both my boys undefeated seasons. To be honest though, win or lose, it has been an outstanding season for both teams and I've loved coaching all of the kids. Not to mention I love being in that role for my two boys. It means a lot to them and the impact that I have on them means so much to me. I want to stay involved in their pursuits with school and athletics, much like my parents did for me and I want to be the parent to Jackson and Alex that my parents were and continue to be to me.

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