Wednesday, April 4, 2012

Do it Right

Going with the flow; that's a good way to describe my general demeanor.  I can be pretty laid back, doing only what is fun or relaxing and can enjoy most any situation, whether it be a night out with friends or even just sitting on the couch watching tv with my boys.  Basically, when there is no cause for action I just take life as it comes.  The key here is the phrase "when there is no cause for action".  I say this because I truly believe that even people like myself that can be laid back and go with the flow, I can only be the best me possible when I break that routine and take intentional action.

Be intentional.  If I choose to do something, I will do it right.  Otherwise, why do it at all?  This can be applied in many aspects of life, both big and small.  Every chance for action is met with a real choice whether the action is worth your time an effort.  When opportunity arises, you can fail to act, act without commitment, or commit yourself to full action.
For instance, consider all of these diverse scenarios:
  1. The yard is a mess.  My choices are:
    • I could let it stay messy and let the lawn grow out of control.
    • I could do the bare minimum and cut the grass occasionally.
    • I could commit myself to really making my yard look great.
  2. A child brings home bad grades.  My choices are:
    •  Do nothing.  Let it takes its course.
    • Tell him I expect better.
    • Tell him I expect better and spend the time to help him learn why he made those grades and what he can do to not only produce better results next time, but also the satisfaction he'll have knowing he is improving.
  3. A relationship with a significant other.  Choices:
    • Do nothing.  See what happens.
    • Treat them nice.
    • Commit to not only doing things together and pursuing my own happiness, but really taking the time every single day to make sure I am bringing happiness to her life.
Wow; 3 totally different scenarios, but in each one it's really worth doing it right.  Life works out regardless of what path you choose, but if you choose wisely it sure will work out a lot better!  I've recently recommitted myself to being intentional in everything I decide to do.  Every situation does not call for action, but when I see the need for action I will not only act, but I'll put in the time and effort to do it right.

If you are going to do it, do it right.

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